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Vol 43 (2021)


Megan Behrend

“Un- English” Chaucer Macaronic Verse and Codicological Form in Cambridge University Library, MS Gg.4.27


John Colley

Chaucer’s “Ebrayk Josephus” and The House of Fame


Lora Walsh

The Clerk as Secular Cleric and Griselda as Ecclesiological Type


Lisa Lampert- Weissig

The Wasps’ Nest: Anti- Semitism, Conspiracy Theory, and The Prioress’s Tale


Elizaveta Strakhov and Sarah Wilma Watson

Behind Every Man(uscript) Is a Woman: Social Networks, Christine de Pizan, and Westminster Abbey Library, MS 21


Joe Stadolnik

Reading Dives and Pauper in Lisbon, 1465


Matthew Boyd Goldie

“Oute of mesure”: “Alone walkyng” and Syncategoremata


DeVan Ard

William Dunbar’s Liturgical Poetics




Lucy M. Allen- Goss, Female Desire in Chaucer’s “Legend of Good Women” and Middle English Romance (Michelle M. Sauer)


Daniel Birkholz, Harley Manuscript Geographies: Literary History and the “Medieval Miscellany.” (Marilyn Corrie)


Daisy Black, Play Time: Gender, Anti- Semitism and Temporality in Medieval Biblical Drama (Christina M. Fitzgerald)


Glenn D. Burger and Holly A. Crocker, eds., Medieval Affect, Feeling, and Emotion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019 (Barbara Zimbalist)


Mark Chinca, Meditating Death in Medieval and Early Modern Devotional Writing: From Bonaventure to Luther (Barbara Newman)


Rory G. Critten, Author, Scribe, and Book in Late Medieval England (Sarah Baechle)


Kara Gaston, Reading Chaucer in Time: Literary Formation in England and Italy (Maura Nolan)


Laura Kalas, Margery Kempe’s Spiritual Medicine: Suffering, Transformation, and the Life- Course (Chelsea Silva)


Jordan Kirk, Medieval Nonsense: Signifying Nothing in Fourteenth- Century England (Paul Megna)


Andrew Kraebel, Biblical Commentary and Translation in Later Medieval England: Experiments in Interpretation (Daniel Sawyer)


Sebastian J. Langdell, Thomas Hoccleve: Religious Reform, Transnational Poetics, and the Invention of Chaucer (J. A. T. Smith)


Adin E. Lears, World of Echo: Noise and Knowing in Late Medieval England (Ingrid Nelson)


Marisa Libbon, Talk and Textual Production in Medieval England (Heather Blurton)


Tim William Machan, Northern Memories and the English Middle Ages (Joseph Grossi)


Laura Saetveit Miles, The Virgin Mary’s Book at the Annunciation: Reading, Interpretation, and Devotion in Medieval England (Cynthia Turner Camp)


Megan E. Murton, Chaucer’s Prayers: Writing Christian and Pagan Devotion (Jamie Fumo)


R. D. Perry and Mary- Jo Arn, eds., Charles d’Orléans’ English Aesthetic: The Form, Poetics and Style of “Fortunes Stabilnes.” (Olivia Robinson)


Daniel Sawyer, Reading English Verse in Manuscript c. 1350–c. 1500 (Joel Fredell)


D. Vance Smith, Arts of Dying: Literature and Finitude in Medieval England (Julie Orlemanski)


Sebastian Sobecki, Last Words: The Public Self and the Social Author in Late Medieval England (Jane Griffiths)


Lynn Staley, Following Chaucer: Offices of the Active Life (Alfred Thomas)


Eric Weiskott, Meter and Modernity in English Verse, 1350–1650 (Seth Lerer)


Nicolette Zeeman, The Arts of Disruption: Allegory and “Piers Plowman.” (Rebecca Davis)


Lydia Zeldenrust, The Mélusine Romance in Medieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts (Ana Pairet)





Stephanie Amsel


Abbreviations of Chaucer’s Works

Periodical Abbreviations

Bibliographical Citations and Annotations

Author Index—Bibliography